Tuesday, 21 June 2016


We have created kahoots which are interactive quizzes about what we have learnt in reading. Someone must make the kahoot then put their device where everyone who is playing. Then the people type in the game code and select a nickname for themselves. Then the person that made the kahoot presses start once everyone is in. Then questions come up on screen and the players have to press the correct shape or colour. There is a leader board so it usually gets pretty competitive and it is lots of fun.


  1. Hello,
    Im Alesha from South Hornby School in Christchurch.
    At South Hornby we play Kahoot too. But we do Maths like Times Tables
    What is the reading one like?
    Thanks Alesha and Remember to check out my blog!

  2. i don't know about kahoot because i am a pilipino now i know about kahoot

  3. kahoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. keep the maths in your heads

  5. Hi my name is Sam from Kaniere School.I hope I will play one of those kahoots you made.

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  7. Hi there, my name is Kalana and I am a student in room 8 at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like the way you guys made different kahoots. We make kahoots in our class too.Have you thought about maybe asking your friends or family to play with you. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is http://wpskalanal.blogspot.co.nz/

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  9. Hi there my name is cruize I am a student at waikowhai primery school.We did a khoot to.I hope you send it to me.if you whan to see my blog copy this link.http://wpscruizer.blogspot.co.nz/

  10. I've been played kahoot in 1 time i wish i could play

  11. I play kahoot and i have been in top 2 before and i was 100 points behind the top person i like kahoot because it challenges you and you learn and its really fun. Please come check out my blog hereś a URL and Well Done!!!

    http://shscallumc.blogspot.co.nz/ <<<<< my blog

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    1. Hi my name is Tyson I am at South Hornby School. We play Kahoot at maths time. Sometime our one is time and Times Tables. I always come over tenth.

  13. kia ora
    My name is Tayeb from Waikowhai Primary school. I really like the way you have told us how it is used. It reminds me of us doing kahoot! last year. If you would like to visit my blog here is the link http://wpstayebo.blogspot.co.nz/

  14. Hi there, my name is jack and I am a student in room 8 at waikowhai School. I really like how you uesed kahot. It made me think of how i use kahot. Have you thought about makeing an online mach with your friends
    . If you would like to see my learning, my blog is http://wpsjackr.. blogspot.co.nz

  15. I loved how you put heaps of effort into your writing on your blog post. It reminded me of the time we played kahoot in my class at maths time. Next time, an option to improve your blog post might be to change your format and do a space in between the writing. Have you ever done a kahoot that you created yourself.
